Thursday, May 31, 2007.
9:20 AM
whew busy busy LoL^^
Forgot to post here @__@
well on tuesday My Cousins Wanted to go on a cool
Resort Near our house @__@
and I Came With them but then after like 5-6 hrs
they wanted to go to SM NORTH! but when we were there my cousin
and I shopped Galore LoL I spent the Dota Tourny Price Money
For a New Cool Cheap Speakers a Headset and a new Mouse^^(the one with no wires)
then after that we Tried to eat at the Wham Burger man the Burger was
Sooooooooo Big bigger than my mouth har har
Then After that a storm hit It was Getting hard to go home so
we decided to watch Shrek 3 (I watched it already)
but I have no choice but to come T__T
so after that got home mom scolded me (Again)
then was forbidden to stay up late T__T
but I sneaked out hahahahha
So Bad ako!
Now Feeling like an Insomiac Help po^^
music. more than Just A HARMONY.
Monday, May 28, 2007.
8:07 AM
oh yeah right timing Ryukih Found The CD XD
Now after the Patch TUDS 2 will be shooting^^
oh yea I'm not the Director
So I Hope Everyone Cooperates^^
Oh BTW I Made the Banana Logo^^
All I need is its animation and SFX From Croze^^
well this day is just going better and better
Got an Online GF^^ and Got a Couple Proposal(Thx to my Chains XD)
and thats about it well gonna help Ryukih with some computer
stuff ^^ i Hope That Croze Can give me the SFX tommorow
So I can make the Banana Animation^^
Oh Well Better Rest Getting Tired (for the 1st Time)^^
har har^^
music. more than Just A HARMONY.
Sunday, May 27, 2007.
8:23 PM
woot my Last 7 Days of Summer and im pretty excited har har i wanna meet new classmates
and New Teachers and I wanna Feel being a new kid again XP
So Last 7 days ko na to la lng bored ako post post ^^V
Uhmm pretty Busy ako the EBs and bla bla ako pa nagluto
har har
tapos siggy requests and school paper work pabalik balik pa nga ko sa school
daming papeles hahahahaha atleast sa bago kong school merong internet
makakapost ako d2 while in school at d ko na dadalin ung laptop ko
Pra d mahirapan wenkz XP hahahahah planning to be the editor of
the school paper like last year ^^
And also I want to be a Choir Member again^^ Missing the Music
Oh I did a siggy for me (Again) hahahah I'm a Panda ^^
music. more than Just A HARMONY.
Thursday, May 24, 2007.
11:09 AM
A Friend is there to guide you teach you and laugh with
Defend you be with you in bad times and in good times
Always there.... Never Leaves Your Side and always
Share Your Secrets jokes and other stuff.
My Best Friend Dan is the only thing I need to
Guide me when I'm Wrong To Help when I'm needing
To Support me through and through
To Treat me like a brother he never had
To Be with me in bad times good times Laught Times and PARTIES!!!!
I always feel Secured when I spend Time with my Best Friend
He is Like Your Personal Psychologists who you tell your problems
and The Like
So what if your friend someday be Gone
Can you live?
Can you even smile?
Can you even have a new friend?
Replace him?
I can't do that he's my friend and I'm there for him and his there for me
Always Remember That You need Friends
and Friends Need YOU
and Learn from them
Don't ever hesitate 1 second to talk to them
Just Go on be with your friends and be a better person ^___^
music. more than Just A HARMONY.
12:22 AM
hmm so whats it all bout love love love everyones always talking about it
but what does it really mean? for me its an expression to a person
to like him or her but what do you mean? If you love a person that much
why you want her to be with you always do I have to act like a knight
with armors Sword and Riding a horse with armor and I have to find my
Princess To marry Protect and Live Happily Forever
As My Observation 67% of people these days are desperate to
Find True Love But what it will do? Will it make you a better person
To be a changed person for you to be loved? or as your walking around you see
a Boy and a Girl Holding Hands walking and then the yucky part..........
So it makes me always wonder always wondering around does this girl love me
or not and after that you were gonna Talk To her but then you see the girl has
a BF so what does it make you it makes you evil!!!!!!! Love makes you evil
cause of Vengeance Regrets Cries Hatred and Pains it does nothing but give you that
particular Expressions
I think Love was the start of criminals that wonder around killing people for money
because they were not loved never felt it and Tried To Love but was nver Love
But I Love a girl so much but she does not love me
I Regreted the Time I had the chance to talk to her
I Cried Cause she Didn't noticed the way I felt for her
I hated Love cause of that expierence
I Tried To Forget but it still in my mind
I Pained and Suffered Cause of her
I Wasted my Time Just Looking waiting for the girl to talk to me be friends
So thats just that I will have to wait Right?
Waiting For the Right Time For me to get involved in this "LOVE"
and may 1 day I find the person thats meant for me and
Love me for who I am Not for what I have
music. more than Just A HARMONY.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007.
11:27 PM
yay the time came ^^ 4 days came so fast o.O I can't wait to see GMs Again ^^
I wish 3 na cla this time^^ and also i wish Lag would never show up
^^ I'm really nervous cause I'm The Choreographer
i think its normal XD
But when it comes to nervous events You have to Remove all
Problems and Forgive Those who Hurted you in your life
So you can be relaxed and be concentrated ^^
So I want all my Friends ClubMates and Supporters to watch us
and continue to support us until the end even if we win or Lose
GL to us ^^
Hope that this Tourney would make us stronger and develop our determination
music. more than Just A HARMONY.
9:04 AM
dang rough day Y_Y going to school making siggys
updating sites lalalalala and so on and so forth
then someone ruined my day you knwo who you are
now karma ka ngayon I will say this and say it for the last timeeee
I didn't do anything to Cez ok?! so what you gonna do
hindi na sya sayo let her free and discover herself and forget about the past
Think about your life the present let go its the only way to move on
You are always saying its hard to move on because your not trying
After my Observation i can say that Online Relationships can Never
NEVER!!!!!!!! COME TRUE it sucks Just get an online GF and poof
you say that your inlove????? You don't even know anything about that person
So Stay Cool Find a Real its only a Game don't take it personally
music. more than Just A HARMONY.
Monday, May 21, 2007.
1:18 AM
Yay^^ FS Tourny Postponed for 4 days ^^
when we were Performing somehow Lag
Saved us whew it was almost my Fault
goodthing that my dad accidentally got home late
yaaaaaayyyyyy ^^
Cause of maintenance We decided to Practice on
AudiUSA so this is my first post whew
music. more than Just A HARMONY.