Friday, January 25, 2008.
3:23 PM
Well A Big Morning To my Blog haha!
well next week is gonna be our RVM test i really dun know
what is it or what is it for but
I Didn't study *screams*

Well This Morning I Think My PSP Got Bricked xD
but ifever its broken Warranty Saves me whew!
well thats for now

I'm Really Hungry O_o......

So My Interview With Matt Really was great =]
nothing personal much though xD

I'm Still wondering who I'm Gonna Interview Next Week
Well Just Find Out.....

I'm waiting for SM To Open So I can Replace my Bricked PSP T_T
I'm Not On A Cafe I'm on Pizza Hut Waiting for SM To Open
*Laptop Mode* =]

music. more than Just A HARMONY. music

6:16 AM

As I was Walking At The Streets
Later Afternoon I remembered That I was not visiting my blog

then I came up with an Idea I'll
be Interviewing my fellow audistahs for my blog :]

Thats Why I will Introduce A new
segment At My Blog Lune Interviews :]

For My First Segment I Will Be
Interviewing the Exoduz Club Excecutive ~EXO~Mikolit one of my closest pals

n DBA =]

BTW Welcome To 2008 Random
Restart :D

Lune Interviews

Lune Interviews: Matt Nicolai

mikolit's blog=

Q.1: When Did You Start Playing Audi?

"Me? I start playing Audition Dance Battle
PH since last November 2007.."

Q.2: Who Enlightened You To Play Audi?

"hmmm... i think the kids or Tambay's sa
computer shop i saw them watching a video at Youtube... i ask them what is
that game? they said its audition and its coming out here in the philippines..."

Q.3: How Do You Describe The Game

"Different.. why different? unlike the
other online games i played such as Ragnarok,O2jam,Pangya and many more
online games... Audition is the only online game I have ONLINE GAME FRIENDS
that became my REAL FRIENDS"

Q.4: How Can You Compare Your Fame in

"sikat ba ako? hahaha.. if I will compare
My fame in audition to other online games.. I think im satisfied on what i reach
here in audition because even if your just a normal player you can meet real
friends.. the audition community is very different from other online games
community ^^Vpeace... base on my experience in playing other online game you
must be famous before you have friends... "

Q.5:Based on your time playing Audition
Can You Say that you've Mastered the game?

"woi binabantayan mo ba ako? bakit alam mo
yung game time ko ah? hahaha joke lang ^^V Na-ah.. i haven't master the game
yet.. Im not that "mamaw" enough to master the game ah..before i start playing
audition i just wanted to learn how to press the keys and see my character
dance... that's what I just want to do.. and specially enjoy the game.."

Q.6:Other Than Audition What Online Games
Are You Playing Right Now?

"hmmm...I play Highstreet5 oye! singapore
sever... im still waiting for the Philippine server to open"

Q.7:Who Is Your Closest Friend That You've
met in Audition?

"My best da best and only bestfriend
Bryan...hahaha... bryan is also known as former pussyfierAHU...He change his
nick to -Desolated-...."

Q.8:How Much Do You Spend Time In Playing

"hahaha.. im not that online as always
in audition.. i just play when someone invites me to play and when im bored...
Invisible lagi sa YahooMessenger hahaha..."

Q.9:Some of your members in Exoduz are all
wondering where the great mikolit went would you tell them your secret IGN?

"lol! anong question yan! hahaha...where
is mikolit123 or ~EXO~Mikolit na nga ba? well i just change my nick for two
reasons...first of all why i choose that secret In-game name that im using now
is because of my bestfriend... hahaha...i get the idea from him... second is for
my responsibility in Club Exoduz.. hahaha..Administrations? it means i take
charge for the members who violates and follows the rules of the club in-game
and too see the real attitudes of the other members of the club.. ^^V"

Q.10:Lastly, What is Your Advice For
Newbies Out There in Audition?

"okay okay....For the newbie Audistas out
there this is all what i can say to all of you this is also one of the motto in
Club Exoduz... Keep your body in motion Just play and Enjoy the game!..... "

Well That Was Fun! =] thanks matt for your time =D

music. more than Just A HARMONY. music

Saturday, November 10, 2007.
9:45 AM
Kuroe Wants to quit? xDDD
what a big joke lol her status at YM i laughed hard when she said
"You thought I was Quitting huh" xDDDD
anyways, My Connection To E-games Forums Is now fixed
i can access forums again good job for the BS
cause Many Pages Were Obtained O.o really many
go for 300 Pages hahaha
uhh on Friday was The Annual Ms. UN
oooohhh too many beautiful girls well all of them were beautiful
but the person who caught my eye was Ms. Spain
Well she had a great attitude and great looks
But since she was also a 2nd Year but in a different section
our entry was Ms.Vietnam Cammille Viñas well her costume was great also
we were so proud of her being number 4 ^^ our 1st award heehee
since nxt friday is the start of school intrums got to give Roderick a Great Big
Luck Cause on the same day is his birthday wow! I don't know what to give yet ?.?
And Just Today I Spent all of my EP! cause i was so disappointed at that patch
e-games is not yet releasing too many conflicts with the Broadbands, wonder why?
too much lagging maybe they have less employees now so they could not take care
of it or they did it on purpose cause its really insulting that they are
always moving the patch yeah Patience is a virtue but it was really long....
Longer than i had expected but now i think e-games learned their lesson
cause players are now changing games cause of lag i think some already quitted
and played Ro Valkyrie Server I know some people who did that
They Had No Patience Lolx
oh Just 4 hrs ago i uploaded my 1st Blog Video
The video WIth My Friends

music. more than Just A HARMONY. music

Saturday, November 3, 2007.
11:55 AM
whew! Rough Day lolx 2nd write for today well nothing much
i just did my regular errands and just played audition
its a mornyt =D now so i'm quite exhausted i'm just gonna write a post
in my blog then go to sleep oh and we had a little shooting
me and matt it was fun i guess ^^V

I saw my char in BS Comics it was quite good but little more practice with
the colors...And Also we Reached the SMP Paged haha
page 244 =D

And After too many happenings like Li And Joan as Long Lost Twins
Lol xDDDDDDD they look almost exactly alike just little tweaks hehe

I was thinking of Restarting my Blog But i don't want to transfer posts again
lol so I'm Gonna Rename My Blog to Random Restart! =D

well better get to sleep gonna go to church as early as I can Lols
nyt people

I'm goin to post that Little Vid If matt uploads it in you tube

Cya Guys in my next post

music. more than Just A HARMONY. music

Friday, November 2, 2007.
10:12 AM
hey! Its been a while since I posted here whew since I
Joined Wordpress and Blooged there *LoL*
And since Kuroe said that she would have a blog
on blogger maybe i wold like to revive my blog
=P but i won't be transferring blog posts from wordpress to blogger
like I did Before cause i won't be wating my time again......

So since its been a while O.o i'm gonna post again what happened to me
well since my last post BS has been quite successful I think that they can
do Thread Teleports Ups Bursts etc. etc. cause they have been successful in our pages
but we have less members but its not how big the family is.... its how we
relate to each other. But what is a club without participating members in my
opinion i think other clubs have many members but not active so whats the point in that???

And Just Now We Had Our Votings for BS Officers
Since I'm not taking Sides I Litterally Banned myself from voting on those polls
cause i don't want to hurt anyone that I didn't vote ^^

and also we had a shooting earlier with exoduz Club my exclusive club is ExoFS
since my friends are there Ate Val,Ate Shia, Gwendell so since I'm an ExoFS
I was Allowed to join(Thanks Raven for letting me join)

Ok now back to BS xDDDD
Kuroe Has been Doing A great Job in siggy making but she needs to practice more on
her Textures Cause She Don't use brushes she finds textures in the internet =D
And her drawings i'm a really big fan but she needs to practice how to color with PS
so she can mak beautiful arts =D She's also a great writer and such and is a very compatible for being the Club's Secretary
well I better think more Club Positions maybe the Second CM (Whoever is) will think of
a very good Position =D we'll have to wait for November 10 to find out who will be the new
officers ^^V

Now back To me xD
so now I played cAU (Audi China) cause my pure chinese cousins play there but still i'm more pro than them (Bragger-_-) since i'm an old player I played audi for almost 2 years counting from my gAU days now i'm playing PH China and Korea
on The Korean Server I've seen and tried the new modes like sbboy and ballroom dance but now sadly their server is laggin so I can't play well x.X

But Since I've Been so Busy Lately I would Like to get back at BS so I'm Rebuilding the sote tommorow so I Have to save my energy =D

Well Thats all for now Cya all guys at my next post ciao! n_n

music. more than Just A HARMONY. music

Tuesday, June 5, 2007.
6:07 AM
oyeh! woot! its my 2nd day of school^^
well at my class we are 4 transfers including me
and my best friend har har sumunod sken^^
then after saying hellos introducing
selves we have to think of an Adjective that
Starts with my name since I was thinking of
audition^^ guess my adjective
It was.......
hahahaha Stiffy Sean^_^
after that nakakilala ng audista^^
phew! nakilala ako hahaha Friend ko pla siya sa audi
hehehehe well gonna sneak back in na^^

music. more than Just A HARMONY. music

Thursday, May 31, 2007.
9:20 AM
whew busy busy LoL^^
Forgot to post here @__@
well on tuesday My Cousins Wanted to go on a cool
Resort Near our house @__@
and I Came With them but then after like 5-6 hrs
they wanted to go to SM NORTH! but when we were there my cousin
and I shopped Galore LoL I spent the Dota Tourny Price Money
For a New Cool Cheap Speakers a Headset and a new Mouse^^(the one with no wires)
then after that we Tried to eat at the Wham Burger man the Burger was
Sooooooooo Big bigger than my mouth har har
Then After that a storm hit It was Getting hard to go home so
we decided to watch Shrek 3 (I watched it already)
but I have no choice but to come T__T
so after that got home mom scolded me (Again)
then was forbidden to stay up late T__T
but I sneaked out hahahahha
So Bad ako!
Now Feeling like an Insomiac Help po^^

music. more than Just A HARMONY. music

211293 | Fourteen.
Valenzuela City,Philippines.
The Director ^^V
